Curriculum Support


As I find, receive, create, ... documents to support implementing BC’s Transformed Curriculum, I will collect these documents onto this page.

Be sure also to check the Tools page on the Curriculum website.
It includes helpful background documents and videos, and a link to the
Curriculum Search tool. They also just added Starting Points in Planning.

Need the curriculum site? Click on the above banner.

Got anything you’d like to share? Please email me or follow me on Twitter.

First Peoples support

  1. First Peoples connections (by grade, K-12) - Word   PDF

  2. Aboriginal Resources for SD36 Teachers

General Curriculum

  1. Support page from the Provincial Curriculum Framework Development Team (BCTF, Ministry, BCSSA, BCPVPA)

  2. Planning samples

  3. Planning Prompts

  4. KDU (Know-Do-Understand) blank template (english) (french)

  5. Simple Planning Sheet

  6. Expanded Planning Sheet

  7. Alternative Planning Sheet

  8. planning sheet box-form (Word doc)

  9. Unit Planning Sheet

  10. French planning templates  (1)  (2)  (3)

  11. NEW - Planning templates from Linda O'Reilly:

  12. Short-term Unit Planning Guide.docx

  13. Template Unit Planning with Bird's Eye View Lessons

  14. Some more planning templates from other districts

  15. SD33-Chilliwack

  16. SD34-Abbotsford
    SD40-New Westminster (word document)
    SD42-Maple Ridge (and icon meanings)

  17. Curriculum Grids

  18. Mathematics (Assembled by Judy Larsen)

  19. All Subjects (Assembled by Amanda Russet)

  20. Core Competencies

  21. Posters: Facets and "I" statements

  22. Picture Books to Support Core Competencies

  23. SD71: Joan Pierce & Carol Walters

  24. SD36: Teacher Librarians

  25. Communication Profiles adapted for students in Languages

  26. NEW - Core Competency Resources from Linda O’Reilly

  27. Competency Continuum

  28. Assessment of Core Competencies

  29. Kids, Competencies & Self-Assessment

  30. Core Competency Icons

  31. Creating a Culture of Reflective Thinking - Core Competencies in Action

  32. Core Competencies in Action (K-2)

  33. Core Competencies in Action (3-7)

  34. Primary Core Competency Posters

  35. Intermediate Core Competency Posters

  36. Big Ideas

  37. Collection by grade (K-9)

  38. Collection by subject (K-9)

  39. Big Idea & Content Connections (Word docs, by grade)

  40.     K    1    2    3    4    5    6    7

  41. Curricular Competencies

  42. Collection by grade (K-9)

  43. Collection by subject (K-9)

  44. Content (by subject, K-7) - submitted by Jessica Beggs (not final versions)

  45. NEW - Inquiry Models from Linda O’Reilly

  46. Primary Inquiry Model

  47. Circle Inquiry Model

  48. Inquiry Model for Social Studies

  49. 5E Science Inquiry Model

  50. Curriculum Sorting Cards & Activity (by grade, K-7) - it’s a zipped folder (not final versions)

SurreySchools CSL

CSL Window


  1. Math Curricular Competencies - Kid Language (K-1) (Word doc)

  2. Assessment through Curricular Competencies (prompting questions)

  3. First Peoples Principles of Learning: Implications for Mathematics Classrooms

  4. K-5 Content Elaborations

  5. Linking Big Ideas with Content across grades (K-5) -  Word   PDF

ADST (Overviews NEW from Linda O’Reilly)

  1. K-3 ADST Template

  2. Grades 4-5 ADST Template

  3. Grades 6-7 ADST Template


Assembled and maintained by Marc Garneau, Helping Teacher, SD36

Last updated on August 1, 2017 - @314Piman